Friday, May 16, 2008

Sleepy Z

This picture is a few weeks old, but it's the last one we took of Z sleeping. We started swaddling Z again at the suggestion of the ladies at the BBC message boards. Z went from sleeping 5-6 hours before waking up at the most to sleeping 7.5 the first night, 8 the next, and 9 the next two! Wow! She'll then go back to sleep for an hour and a half. I wonder if the alarm clock is what gets her up. And I've been able to get her to nap a little better least 45 minute stretches 3 times a day. She might doze off here or there at other points, but it's only 10 minutes here, 15 there. We're getting a nice bedtime routine going on. Who wouldn't enjoy getting a fresh diaper, a massage with lotion, someone putting clean pjs on you, swaddling tight in a Swaddle Me, read two stories and then get rocked to sleep? C'mon, we all wish we could get that kind of pampering!

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