Thursday, April 1, 2010

Crackers in a Red Bag and a Scary Snake

We got home today, and Zoe wanted a snack. It was close to dinner, so I was trying hold her out, if I could. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Zoe: I want crackers!

Me: Z, it's close to dinner, you know.

Zoe: I want crackers in a red bag! (that would be Ritz cheese and crackers)

Me: No, Z, it's almost dinner time.

Zoe: I want crackers in a red bag...because...because...I'm not crying!

Now, how can you argue that logic? She did get the crackers in a red bag, but only ate 1 or 2 before giving it back to me.

And, what's this about a snake?? We were in Target getting last minute supplies for Easter eggs...she sees a random rubber snake on a shelf and insists on carrying it around. I was all set to let her hold it, play with it and then give it to the cashier to put underneath her register instead of buying it. But, the more Z played with it, the more she got excited about this. She would grab the head, twist it in her fingers so it moved side to side saying, "sssssss". I would pretend to be scared, throw up my hands and give a quiet squeal. She LOVED it. We get to the register and Zoe is babbling to the cashier about what color the snake is (blue), that it said "sssss" and that it was scary. So, I had to get it for her...she wouldn't let it go at ALL until she went to bed.

When Noah came home, she showed him her snake, and in a low growl says, "ssssssss, SCARY SNAKE!"

Hysterical! I love this age!

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