Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What does Zoe do during the day??

Zoe colors, reads, dances, sings, RUNS, cooks in her "chicken" (kitchen), stacks boxes (thanks Auntie Jill, she LOVES those things!), races her cars, pretends to go 'nuh-nights', takes care of her babies, plays her piano, plays her xylophone, asks us to "wasths dis" 240294820348203 times a day, takes things out of their containers, puts them back into containers, eats snacks, drinks her milk, juice, and water, loves her bunny, plays with her busy box, insists on the ready game with Momma, pets and loves on Peanut, dances in Momma's shoes, imitates everyone, blames things on Santa (no, really, she does), and gives snuggles, hugs, and kisses on request.

She will also likes to throw, causes some minor headaches, and even more occasionally has a timeout. She fights her naps by throwing *everything* but blankie out of her crib and onto the floor.

Today we did all of that. Yes, I'm exhausted. But I love every minute of it. Do I really need to go back to work on Monday?

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