Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The count down is ON...

to Zoe's second birthday.

How did that happen???

In 4 days, she will be 2. Of course, she's been ACTING 2 for awhile. Our fun loving, getting up at 4am, runs thupah fass, girlie girl who likes to play with cars and trucks, choc-lit loving, bunny dragging, giver of hugs and kisses, Dora loving, Max and Ruby obsessed, blue eyed, curly haired, counting, letter reciting, color coding, question asking, laugh filled little lady is going to have a Dora birthday cake and spend the mid-day with family and friends at a local playcenter running around and raising heck. Maybe she'll eat her pizza for lunch, who knows? We timed it so that she will be worn out (hopefully?!?) for her nap.

We're working on getting Zoe to tell you how old she'll be, but it's not very easy for her. She knows she has a birthday party coming up, but that is just a time for her to have cake, in her eyes. ;)

She has a special birthday outfit to model, and I'm pulling out her birthday table cloth for everyone to sign...

Here's to two!!

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

2 started at 18 months for T but I will take 2 over 3 any day! Happy 2 to Zoe! I hope she has a fabulous day and am sorry that we will be missing it! Give her squeezes from all of us:)