Monday, February 1, 2010

The Terrible Twos are HERE!

Zoe may not officially turn two for another two weeks, but she has definitely hit that "terrible twos" stage. *sigh*

We have had multiple timeouts for throwing things and refusing to pick up things she tosses (after requests to do so). "NO!!!" and "MINE!!!" are favorite phrases around here. Zoe will scream...just because. She makes demands, doesn't like the limits sets, and is generally testing us about 4209240928340928420 times a day.

That being said, Zoe is still an amazing, lively, fun loving kid. She has started giving us kisses MUCH more readily (complete with the "smooch" sound at the end and lots of drool), gives hugs, sometimes says "cheeeeeese" for the camera, and loves to run "thupah fasth". She loves all things Dora at this point. Zoe loves Peanut, but won't hesitate to tell on her for being on the table and getting into something she shouldn't. Zoe has rediscovered her "busy box" and likes to play with the balls on the wire track on top. She loves to "cook", play with her cars, babies, and "compulers". She has found a love for Sponge Bob (and Patrick, she'll tell you), one of her stuffed bunnies (but don't dare pull the tail that makes it play a song...she freaks!), and block towers (and knocking them down). She loves coloring, drawing, and counting *everything*. I think she has started to figure out one-to-one correspondence, believe it or not!

And, she's *definitely* two.

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