Thursday, July 31, 2008
Update from the Drs
So bear with me--no chocolate, no cheese, most breads are out, deli meat, bagels and cream cheese in the morning, milk/cream/non-dairy creamer in my coffee in the morning (I'm giving a shot at rice milk)....there are lots more, but I have to just read labels. It also means going out to eat is going to be more difficult. The dr basically told me "if you can't read the label, don't eat it".
This is all for Z...she's worth the little sacrifice now to be healthy later. :) In time, if this is what it is, she should outgrow it and be just as happy and healthy as we know she is right now!
***editted 8/10/08*** I just realized I didn't put the best news in from this visit! Z had gained 12 oz from the previous week at the pediatricians!!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
We got the okay to start cereal at 5 months by the dr at Z's previous appointment. We waited until after the adventures in Virginia because I just didn't want to bother with all that would have been necessary to have the we waited. This weekend, Z proved to us that she was ready for the food, anyway! She was grabbing at our food, drinks, and anything that was near her at the table. She has become grabby, and even more so with the food and drinks...she was watching us like a hawk!
Z really enjoyed her cereal, and today at the drs appointment, he gave the go ahead to give her as much as she wants, not go as slow as he had told us today, she got two servings of cereal, one at lunch and one at dinner time (by her Daddy, too). She LOVED it! She did discover that it's fun to suck on your fingers between bites, but I think that's because she's soooo close to those teeth popping through on the top! Soon enough she'll be eating squash, sweet potatoes, and peas!
Our World Traveler!
Z's experienced quite a bit in this long weekend! She went on her first VERY long car ride. It took us from Massachusetts, through Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and then into Virginia. She got to stay at the Presidential Suite of the hotel because we got our rooms bumped (we got there a little late and the hotel was overbooked). THAT was quite the treat! Z went swimming in the heated outdoor pool at the hotel, and LOVED it!! She got a taste of Daddy's Gelato (cookies and cream, if you were wondering, and yes, she liked it!). Z went to the National Zoo and saw all kinds of animals (some of them were even in cages and had homes in the Zoo!). She was a trooper the whole time. She's still fighting with teething, as those two top ones just WON'T come through. Z napped as well as can be expected and was a charmer to anyone who'd look at her, never mind those who actually TALKED to her and PLAYED with her.
Zoe got to spend some quality time with her big Cousin A and Auntie B. I think a good time was had by all!!
We had Z's weight check wasn't the news we were expecting. Our skinny minnie is just that. She is now exactly 12lbs. No more, no less. She grew a quarter of an inch longer and only a few ounces in the last few weeks. While it's a little early for her to level off in her weight gain, the doctor thinks she might have, but was still concerned. Her growth curve is continuing to decline and he wants to figure out what is up. He thinks she is a "pokey gainer", but still ordered a bunch of lab work. Z was a trooper getting blood drawn. She had the attention of THREE lab techs--one to draw, one to hold her arm down and distract her, and another one helped distract her. I got to hold her, and console her after, and she quickly stopped crying after they got what they needed. The doctor called me a few hours later, and while he still doesn't seem concerned, he did notice her liver enzymes are slightly elevated. So, to be sure that it's nothing, he's sending us to see a specialist. Noah and I appreciate this attentiveness and are SURE it's nothing, but it is still something we are concerned with, being Z's Mommy and Daddy. We want the best for our daughter.
We'll keep you posted!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Welcome to the world, Cousin Jacob!!
Sorry the last two pictures are sideways...I'll fix that when I upload the pictures to my computer itself. I just wanted to get the pictures up right away! :)
We want to congratulate Auntie and Uncle J for their brand new son--Cousin Jacob Dylan! I just got permission to use his name in the blog. :)
Jacob came into this world at 1:48pm today, weighing a WHOPPING 10lbs 1.5oz and 22 1/2 inches long. He's a BRUISER. He's adorable, with some reddish brown hair, blue eyes, and HUUGGEE hands and feet. Seriously, his hands are bigger than Z's. To compare the kiddos--Z is only 12lbs and 24.5inches long. She's in the 10th percentile in her weight, 50th for height...J is in the 90th for ALL measurements. WOW!!!!! Like I said at the hospital, she may be little, but Z is SCRAPPY. So, Cousin J--watch out! :)
We are all very proud of the new family, and wish them the best. Please, join me in celebrating the new life and newest member of our family. We are all so very happy!
Oh, and yes, it did make us miss Little Miss Z as a newborn...:)
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
latest happenings!
Zoe had a fun-filled weekend at Martha's Vineyard. Unfortunately, she is cutting her upper two teeth (her gums are so swollen and red--looks like they hurt so much!), so she didn't have *quite* as good of a time that she could have had. However, she did have fun at the house, sitting out on the deck, and looking at all the trees, birds, and other beautiful things there! She made it to State Beach for the first time EVER, and while Zoe didn't like the water so much (it was cold!), she did like the sand. We had to keep cleaning her toes off so she wouldn't eat it!!
Grandma B got her a high chair to keep at her house and on the Vineyard, and while Z isn't eating solids yet, it was fun to sit and play with her toys in it. It seemed to fit her to a T, and she seemed quite comfortable in it! We liked it too!! We're going to have to get one, and we may get that one to save room in our small kitchen!
Z got to meet Grandma B's good friend J and her husband (also a J!). She had fun rocking in J's lap and talking with her.
Z enjoyed being on the ferry, both there and back. She loved to watch the waves in the water, clouds in the sky, and the seagulls flying by!
Monday, Z got to meet one of Mommy's BBC friends for the first time. This friend lives in Tennessee, but was visiting another friend of hers in MA, so Mommy and Karen decided to meet up! Zoe now has her first boyfriend, Karen's son soon as I get pictures from Karen (I forgot my camera!) you'll get to see how much they got along. Zoe and Tyler hugged and liked to touch each other on their faces. They tried to hold hands at one point, and generally just liked to look at each other! We may have to watch those two in the future!! :)
We also got great news that Z's cousin to be, her Auntie J's baby, is coming on Wednesday! Yep! Be on the lookout for a post and pictures!!! We can't wait to meet him!!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Alas, Daddy didn't make the cut..
Monday, July 7, 2008
You mean it's NOT a hat?
Random fun tummy time. She still won't roll back onto her back (although Noah saw it last night at 3am!), but whatever! She's looking much happier on her belly these days!!
I think Z's figured out that she's supposed to smile in front of the camera. We've been getting a LOT more smiley Z pics!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy 4th of July!!
Happy Independence Day, everyone! :) We hope you had as nice of a day as we did!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Voting Update
And no, I haven't seen anything about the At Bat Stance contest yet.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Giggly Z
We had a little photo shoot, since Z was posing and laughing for the camera. She's giggling so much these days. Her newest thing is to make raspberry noises SOO loud, SOO sloppy that she sprays you (gross). And, if her pacifier is in her mouth and she wants to make the noise? She either spits it out with FORCE and then makes the sound, or just does it with the paci in her mouth. What a goof!
Baby-Wearers, Attention!
Win the Essential Babywearing Stash from Along for the Ride (one Beco Butterfly, one Hotsling baby pouch, one BabyHawk Mei Tai, one Zolowear Ring Sling, and one Gypsy Mama Wrap)
It's got ONE question to answer. C'mon, you know you want to.
BTW, I have started wearing Z with a wrap with her facing outside. She wasn't too keen on it facing towards me, but seemed to really like it facing out. Woohoo!