Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Father's Day Fun

Chillin' for a brief moment in time...very brief.

Kicking the ball back and forth...they weren't too bad at moving the ball back and forth between them for a 2+ and almost 2 year old!

Pouring muddy water on her cousin...

And hugs to him...they love each other a LOT. :)

Stopping for a drink...

Laughing together and trying to catch water in their mouths!!

Check out those french braids!

Beach beauty!

Handsome Jacob...

Jacob was all about getting water in those buckets to drink!

Z was just trying to figure it out!

taking a breather..


1 comment:

Kelly @ Familiar Joy said...

Oh my gosh, she is too cute! Love the bathing suit and the braids, especially! :-)