Sunday, May 2, 2010

flashlight fun

Today...Z's been running around with with just a diaper on..and stickers on her belly (that's what she wanted to do with them when given some stickers today). But that's not the funny thing.

This morning, we were watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and I smelled something pretty funky. Knowing full well what it was, I asked Zoe, "Are you poopy?" Zoe replied, "I not poopy" and continues playing with her magnetic dolls and clothes. Then I said to her, "Did you have farts?" (she thinks this word is funny...normally we say "toots" referring to gas). She says to me, "No, I not having farts." Funny kid, but you still stink. :)

Now, onto the flashlight fun. We have a small, cheap, hardly working flashlight. Zoe discovered how much fun having one can be, and has been running around playing with it--light on, of course! She ALSO discovered that Peanut LOVES to play with the light. She'd point the light to the floor, and Peanut would try to catch it...causing hysterical laughter from Zoe. Then, Peanut got bored and walked off. Zoe would chase after her and say, "Catch it Peanut, catch it! It's GOOOOOD." What a funny kid.

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