Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Zoe discovered she liked the slide....

Going down, and landing on, Bunny (or Hop Hop, when you ask for its name) and George...

a picture with two of her cousins...Taylor and the newest member of the family--"Princess P"

Playing with her castle....

"Prince go upSTAIR"

Chef Zoe...

She wore that costume for about 45 minutes!

Visiting with Cousin Brody...she got to hold him. It's getting harder now that he's getting SO big!

See, Gaga, I GOT him!!

Zoe insisted that Brody sit NEXT to her. He has a look like, "um, Daddy, are you SURE it's okay??"

Brody: "well, um, if you say so!" Zoe: "*SQUEEEEEAAAAL* this is so fun!"

Then, she insisted the Puma join in on the action...Puma was actually kissing Zoe!

Princess Z!!

teeesth!!! (cheese)

Time to chill out...being a princess is hard work!

1 comment:

dianeburt said...

Wow what great pictures love them all!