Friday, March 12, 2010

Lil Miss Opinionated...

Z has gotten QUITE opinionated in the last week.

If we want her to sing, and she doesn't want to? "I don't WANT to sing." Or, "I don't LIKE that song" or "I don't LIKE that song anymore!"

If we want her to dance and she doesn't want to? insert dance instead....

If we are talking and it doesn't include Zoe? "STOP TALKING!"

If I would like her to do something, "No, Momma, I don't WANT to."

If I offer her something, it's "No, Momma, I don't WANT it."

She has recently been insisting on using a purple spoon for her meals. Unfortunately, said spoon is often in the dishwasher from the use.

She is getting more specific in what she wants...."I want the crackers in the red bag". That means she would like the Ritz cheese and crackers (the little sandwich crackers). Yes, and in their snack bag, too...because she had them in a snack bag once.

..."I want cheese-its in a brown bowl". get the picture.


Zoe's had a couple of new words and phrases that are kinda funny.

Lemnade and tryn-gale (lemonade and triangle), ball-rina

"My eyes are broken" (when she closes her eyes)


Zoe has also figured out cool concepts...and comments on them often...

take away

I'm sure there's more...but I'm blanking. I'll try to post some pics this weekend. We've been lacking in the picture taking. I've been sick (again!) and, well, pics haven't been a top priority...

We'll have to fix that this weekend!!

1 comment:

dianeburt said...

G told me all about the dora gummy candy...i don't want the backpack wow huh!! Can't wait to see her pretty face!