Sunday, December 7, 2008

Imitation is the finest form of Flattery, right?

Then, I'm SO flattered. Zoe has been imitating, but nothing new lately. However, she JUST started imitating when someone says "ow" (her daddy thinks she's making fun of me!). She's also started waving a little more when someone else waves. :) VERY cute, indeed.

New sound? Breathing in and making a sound at the same time...kinda like screech but not too loud.

New discoveries? the bathroom and all of it's fun spots. We are keeping that door closed more often than not these days.

New love? Watching the weather on the news. She could be knee deep in her toys and as soon as this comes on, she STOPS and stares. Maybe she has a thing for Pete Bouchard. Who knows!

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