Monday, July 12, 2010

Some catching up to do...part 2

Part of the reason for the extended time between posts was because we were on Martha's Vineyard for the week of July 4th again. :) We had fun trying to stay cool in unseasonably HOT weather there (90s, and one day getting near 100). We visited with friends and family, and just hung out together as a family of three most of the time. :)

Zoe had to cook us "soup" on the porch. She loved this little kitchen set. The soup had different things in it from french fries to cookies to chocolate to chicken. This varied when you asked her. :)

Cuddling with Daddy...


We attempted to ride the trike. I say "attempted" because while it LOOKS like she was happy, she really wasn't. She was miserable and alternating from crying to whining because it was so hard for her. She would start peddling, but then stop and try to push both peddles at the same time. No matter what we tried, she just wouldn't listen to what we had to say (it starts so young!). She's been working on this at daycare, so hopefully the frustrations will be LESS the next time we get to MV.

Tried to patiently wait with Cousin Brody for the parade to start on July 4th...

Zoe preferred to keep a running commentary of the parade for Auntie Darcy!

She may look like she's in pain, but Zoe is really singing and "making a band" as she puts it. She was banging the tops of those pots from that kitchen set (see, I told you she liked them!!) like cymbals and having a grand old time. At one point, she insisted I help her and have a "drum" (turn a pot upside down and hit it with a spatula, of course). Sorry for the lack of pics on that--Noah was busy and I couldn't manage drumming AND singing AND picture taking. I wonder what the people walking by the cottage were thinking?? ;)

Pausing for a "drink" from the instruments. :)

Waiting for a pop!!


Ahhhh....dis iz da betht pop, Mommy!!!

We looked for Dora in her "noclurs" (if she says it too fast, it's one of those words you HOPE Zoe doesn't say in a large group...Can you imagine, "Mommy, I need my____!")

We went to Ocean Park to blow bubbles...

Daddy blew the best ones!

Time for a rest...

Just love this shot of Zoe:)

Burning off some of her endless energy...

One last one before leaving...At this point, there was a meltdown, and almost nearly literally!

After naptime, we filled the water table for some water fun!


I think she just squirted herself in the face here...she loved it!

One of the few times Mommy and Zoe are on the same side of the camera!

We planted flowers...

picked up sticks...

And did a lot of reading...

We also ran through the sprinkler at a playground on a playdate with Cousin Taylor.

Things we don't have pictures for?
We spent a day with our friends Kate and Eric (and their kids Mikey and Andrew)...or as Zoe said, "Cake and Eric" and their son "Nick". (this might be from a recent visit with Daddy's friend Nick before we left!).

We had lots of family time with Gaga, Papa, Uncle G, Auntie Darcy, Uncle Jeff, and Cousin Brody.

We took lots of walks into town, dancing and singing at the cottage, "cooking", playing with her necklaces, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse figures, and being the campground greeter. Zoe said hi to just about every single person who walked by. :) Most of the time, people were great and waved, said hi, and responded to the many things she told them. One of the passers-by even remembered Zoe from last year. She had a puppy that Zoe had gone CRAZY for last year...the woman didn't have the puppy, but she sure remembered Zoe. :) Fun times!

This is from a post dated July 6, 2009...
In addition to this, she squealed and shouted and screeched to every puppy and baby that she passed. It was hysterical. I think she thought she was the welcoming committee for the campground!! She also liked to say "hi" when people walked by and say "bye bye" while waving to the cars and trucks walking by.

Sounds a little familiar, huh??

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