Thursday, July 15, 2010

Little Miss Friendly...

Today, Z and I were running errands. Most of the time, when we're at the cashier, if they ask her what her name is, I have had to prompt her to tell them. Same with her age.

Today, she didn't even wait for a cashier to do that. We stroll up to pay for our things, and she says, "Hi Lady! My name is Zoe. This is Mommy!" She calls all female cashiers "lady" and when she said that, she pointed her thumb to herself, and the pointed to me." I was buying different colored pieces of felt, and as the cashier was ringing them in, she was spouting off the different colors, getting them all right. The cashier was very impressed, and asked Zoe her age. She didn't hesitate, and said, "I'm 2!!" and held up 2 fingers (well, with her thumb sticking out, since she hasn't figured out how to hold it in yet!). The cashier was even MORE impressed to know that she was 2 and knew all that. Then, Z wanted to count how many pieces I had bought. I told her she could, and she starts just counting, 1-15, 17, 19, 100. :)

Love this little smarty pants!!

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