Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Zoe had Noah and me in stitches tonight...unintentionally, I think.

She was on the potty, just before bed tonight, and she saw her stacking cups on the floor (for the tub). She wanted them, and we had said no, because we were trying to speed up the process to get onto the rest of our bedtime routine. She gets very indignant about it and starts to pout. She makes her voice deeper, bends her head down, looking at Noah (as if she were looking over glasses), points to her face and says, "Look at this face. I have a BIG FROWN."

Oh, my goodness....I about died. I started to laugh SO hard and had to walk away (I didn't want her to think I was laughing AT her!). Noah basically mirrored what she did until Zoe was also laughing, and by that time, we were ALL laughing together.

My goodness, she's got quite the flair for the dramatic!

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