Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Where has Zoe been???

She's been BUSY.

We went to the Stone Zoo, and while it was too hot to get any good shots of animals, Zoe had fun on the rides. She, um, tolerated the merry go round.

She preferred the horse much much more instead!

We got all gussied up...

...for Jacob's 2nd birthday!!

But, MOST importantly, guess what WE'VE been doing!??!?!

Yep, that's right, we've been potty training. We've been talking it up to Z0e, and then earlier in the week, she and I went to the store to pick out her very own big girl panties. She was SO excited about this, she told *every* person she saw that she got 'big girl panties' and was showing them off! We kept talking it up, and so did Laura at daycare. Then, Friday...it happened. Zoe woke up, and we took her diaper off, and haven't looked back. She put on a pair of panties, and was VERY excited! I'm not sure she understood the point, or what was to happen, but she quickly figured it out.

I'm not going to lie. That first morning? I was a mess, Zoe was a mess...I felt like I smelled like pee, and felt like I was covered in it. We had a LOT of accidents--I think 8? But, then Zoe had a nap (in a pull-up, which we call sleepy time panties). I put her back in a pair of panties after, and we had NO MORE ACCIDENTS that day.

Saturday, Z had about 4 accidents early in the morning...but then nothing until just before bed. WOOHOO!

Then, Sunday...Sunday, Zoe had NO accidents until the end of the day, and for that, I blame Tinkerbell. Zoe was so engrossed in the movie.

Monday, Zoe went to daycare. She had NO accidents there. NONE. She had one at home...

Today, same thing. Buuuuut, here's the kicker. She didn't do it until we were GOING up the stairs, and was able to stop herself to make it to the potty.

How cool is that??

Go Zoe Go! Go Zoe GO!!!!! She gets m&m's for a successful trip to the potty, and then the Potty Fairy comes to visit before bedtime. She LOVES it. She's VERY proud of herself. She laughs, claps, and cheers for herself when she's going potty. AND, she's starting to tell us she has to go. She's not consistent, but we've figured out her cues. I'm SO proud of her!! WE are so proud of her!!



BC said...

My goodness, Z...you're growing up toooooooo fast!

CupCake Girl said...

Aww! I just stumbled by your blog and I think it's adorable!