Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Goodnight Moon

Zoe has had Goodnight Moon memorized for awhile...she has heard it nearly every night of her life, so it makes sense. We finally remembered to get the Flip upstairs tonight to get her saying it. Since there are SOME people who can't understand what she's saying, I've provided a transcript.

Please note...Zoe's taken some liberties. She decided her version is MUCH better!

In the great green room there was a telephone, and a red balloon...and a cow jumping, and a cow jumping ovah da moon!

Three bears, goodnight chairs, sitting on chairs, and two little kittens and a pair of mittens.

Goodnight clocks, goodnight socks. Goodnight coma, goodnight comb, goodnight brush. Goodnight nobody whispering hush shhhh.

Goodnight stahs, goodnight aiha, goodnight noises (whispering) everywhere.

In the great green room, there's a telephone and a red balloon...and a cow jumping ovah da moon...

This is where Zoe faded off, and Noah was whispering the next lines. Then she says, “I sittin' on dat” and points to the top of the crib she was sitting on.

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