Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Zoe-isms, Part 1

Zoe has a bunch of words and phrases, we all know that...but do you know what they all mean?

playin' chicken--she's cooking in her kitchen

runnin' thuper fass--running super fast

penpens--penguins (this is how she asks to watch the movie "Happy Feet")

iwanna make hand bubbles--she wants to play in the water and 'wash her hands'

go potty--no, it doesn't mean to use the potty (I wish)...it means to play in the bathroom


icy--this is what she calls a handful of snow...she LOVES to eat it.

benny the booool--Benny the Bull from Dora

dipit--ketchup (because you can use it to dip in, DUH)


boom boom book--Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?

dorange--the color orange


In other vocabulary news...Zoe is a whirlwind. I wish I could make a list of all the words she knows now. But every single day, she just suprises us with the words she comes up with, and how she uses them. Yesterday, I handed her something, and instead of saying "Thank you" like she normally does, she said "thanks". When did she learn these short cuts?!?

Categories of things, how about that?
She knows all her letters, numbers 1-12, 18, and most of her basic colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, and brown). She knows LOTS of animals and many of her body parts. She knows her immediate family and extended to her grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, and knows that their "name" is a label. When I asked her what HER name was, she said Zoe. This is new, because I used to need to say "who are you?" not, "what's your name?" She knows some of my friends' kids' names, kids she doesn't see very often. Her ability to remember things is incredible. She remembers some weird details about places I wouldn't even think about. For example, in the local grocery store's dairy dept, there's a cut out of Tony the Tiger. During Christmas, it was gone and there was a different holiday display up. She asked where the kitty was *every* time we went in.

She can also rattle off all the names to her favorite shows, Dora and Max and Ruby. She knows all the Wiggles names and even the guest stars on the ONE wiggles show she's watched (and watched, and watched, and watched).

Zoe is now able to tell us what she had for lunch at daycare and some of the things she did during the day...without a ton of prompts. No secrets with Zoe these days!

We're currently working on how old she is and how old she WILL be for her birthday.

Zoe's starting to string together 4-5 word sentences...crazy!

Favorite phrases lately?
"is too hot" (for anything that is warm or cold, btw)
"i runnin' thuper fass"
"Where's ____? Dere she is!" (and the "she" is for women, girls, men, women, cats, dogs, etc...)

Part 2: pictures...tonight.

1 comment:

dianeburt said...

wow Zoe... Gaga is so so proud of you...how did the last 2 years fly by so fast! you are getting smarter everyday, not to mention prettier and prettier. I can't wait to see you on your 2nd Birthday !